Basic Numeric Fields
Numeric fields are just like text fields but work well with numeric values of any type. The input is automatically restricted to numeric values and it works regardless of the browser locale settings for decimal types.
and Max
attributes allow to restrict the value within the limits. If they are not specified, the full value range for the type (i.e -2147483648
and 2147483647
for int
) is permitted.
The Step
attribute defines how much the value changes when using the up/down buttons on the right, or with the up/down keys on the keyboard. If not specified, the default value is 1.
<MudNumericField @bind-Value="IntValue" Label="Standard" Variant="Variant.Text" Min="0" Max="10" /> <MudNumericField @bind-Value="DoubleValue" Label="Filled" Variant="Variant.Filled" Min="0.0" /> <MudNumericField @bind-Value="DecimalValue" Label="Outlined" Variant="Variant.Outlined" Step=".2M" />
@code { public int IntValue { get; set; } public double DoubleValue { get; set; } public decimal DecimalValue { get; set; } }
<MudNumericField HideSpinButtons="true" @bind-Value="IntValue" Label="Standard" Variant="Variant.Text" Min="0" Max="10" /> <MudNumericField HideSpinButtons="true" @bind-Value="DoubleValue" Label="Filled" Variant="Variant.Filled" Min="0.0" /> <MudNumericField HideSpinButtons="true" @bind-Value="DecimalValue" Label="Outlined" Variant="Variant.Outlined" Step=".2M" />
@code { public int IntValue { get; set; } public double DoubleValue { get; set; } public decimal DecimalValue { get; set; } }
Setting Culture and Format
You can set a custom culture and format which will be used for parsing the numeric value from the input string as well as for presentation.
@using System.Globalization <MudNumericField Immediate="false" Label="de-DE" Format="N2" Culture="@_de" T="double?" @bind-Value="_valueDe" HelperText="@_valueDe.ToString()"/> <MudNumericField Immediate="false" Label="en-US" Format="N2" Culture="@_en" T="double?" @bind-Value="_valueEn" HelperText="@_valueEn.ToString()"/>
@code { public CultureInfo _de = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("de-DE"); public CultureInfo _en = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"); public double? _valueDe = 1234.56; public double? _valueEn = 1234.56; }