
A sortable, filterable data grid with multiselection and pagination.

Default Data Grid

The <MudDataGrid> is used to display and work with small amounts of data up to very large datasets, easily and efficiently. In it's simplest form, the data grid is just a table, displaying data from a data source. In it's most complex form, the data grid allows filtering, editing, grouping, and much more.

Using the data grid is pretty simple to start with and just requires setting the Items property to an collection of data as IEnumerable, and adding Columns.

Molar mass
1 H Hydrogen 0 1.00794
2 He Helium 17 4.002602
3 Li Lithium 0 6.941
4 Be Beryllium 1 9.012182
@using System.Net.Http.Json
@using MudBlazor.Examples.Data.Models
@inject HttpClient httpClient

<MudDataGrid Items="@Elements.Take(4)">
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Number" Title="Nr" />
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Sign" />
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Name" />
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Position" />
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Molar" Title="Molar mass" />
@code { 
    private IEnumerable<Element> Elements = new List<Element>();

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        Elements = await httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<List<Element>>("webapi/periodictable");
Column Types

There are two main column types: <PropertyColumn> and <TemplateColumn>. PropertyColumns are typically used to display a single property defined by the parameter, Property. You would use TemplateColumns when you want to display a column without linking it directly to a property in the data source. For example, if you wanted to show a column that has action buttons. TemplateColumn cannot infer things such as Title and SortBy like the PropertyColumn.

You can pass a format string in the Format parameter on PropertyColumn to format the value for the cells.

Name Position Years Employed Salary Total Earned
Sam CPA 23 $87,000.00 $2,001,000.00
Alicia Product Manager 11 $143,000.00 $1,573,000.00
Ira Developer 4 $92,000.00 $368,000.00
John IT Director 17 $229,000.00 $3,893,000.00
@using System.Net.Http.Json
@using MudBlazor.Examples.Data.Models
@inject HttpClient httpClient

<MudDataGrid Items="@employees" Filterable="false" SortMode="@SortMode.None" Groupable="false">
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Name" />
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Position" />
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.YearsEmployed" Title="Years Employed" />
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Salary" Format="C" />
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Salary * x.YearsEmployed" Title="Total Earned" Format="C" />
        <TemplateColumn CellClass="d-flex justify-end">
                <MudStack Row>
                    <MudRating Size="@Size.Small" SelectedValue="@context.Item.Rating" />
                    <MudButton Size="@Size.Small" Variant="@Variant.Filled" Color="@Color.Primary">Hire</MudButton>
@code {
    public record Employee(string Name, string Position, int YearsEmployed, int Salary, int Rating);
    public IEnumerable<Employee> employees;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        employees = new List<Employee>
            new Employee("Sam", "CPA", 23, 87_000, 4),
            new Employee("Alicia", "Product Manager", 11, 143_000, 5),
            new Employee("Ira", "Developer", 4, 92_000, 3),
            new Employee("John", "IT Director", 17, 229_000, 4),
Advanced Data Grid

In a more advanced scenario, the data grid offers sorting, filtering, pagination and selection. There are two ways to filter the data fed into the data grid. A QuickFilter function allows filtering the items in the grid globally. Data can also be filtered by specifying column filters, enabling a more robust filtration.

In this example, we turn sorting and filtering off for the Nr column using the boolean Sortable and Filterable properties as well as hide the column options icon button by setting the ShowColumnOptions property to false (which is hidden by default). Additionally, we can override the default SortBy function for each column, seen in the Name column where we show how you can switch to a sort by the Name's length.

To hide the filter icons unless a column is currently filtered, you can set the ShowFilterIcons property to false.

Periodic Elements
Nr Sign
Molar mass
1 H Hydrogen 0 1.00794 Other
2 He Helium 17 4.002602 Noble Gas (p)
3 Li Lithium 0 6.941 Alkaline Earth Metal (s)
4 Be Beryllium 1 9.012182 Alkaline Metal (s)
5 B Boron 12 10.811 Metalloid Boron (p)
6 C Carbon 13 12.0107 Nonmetal Carbon (p)
7 N Nitrogen 14 14.0067 Nonmetal Pnictogen (p)
8 O Oxygen 15 15.9994 Nonmetal Chalcogen (p)
9 F Fluorine 16 18.998404 Halogen (p)
10 Ne Neon 17 20.1797 Noble Gas (p)

Rows per page:


1-10 of 88

Show Events
@using System.Net.Http.Json
@using MudBlazor.Examples.Data.Models
@inject HttpClient httpClient

<MudDataGrid T="Element" MultiSelection="true" Items="@Elements" SortMode="SortMode.Multiple" Filterable="true" QuickFilter="@_quickFilter"
    Hideable="true" RowClick="@RowClicked" RowContextMenuClick="RowRightClicked" SelectedItemsChanged="@SelectedItemsChanged">
        <MudText Typo="Typo.h6">Periodic Elements</MudText>
        <MudSpacer />
        <MudTextField @bind-Value="_searchString" Placeholder="Search" Adornment="Adornment.Start" Immediate="true"
            AdornmentIcon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Search" IconSize="Size.Medium" Class="mt-0"></MudTextField>
        <SelectColumn T="Element" />
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Number" Title="Nr" Sortable="false" Filterable="false" />
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Sign" />
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Name" SortBy="@_sortBy" />
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Position" />
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Molar" Title="Molar mass" />
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Group" Title="Category" />
        <MudDataGridPager T="Element" />

<div class="d-flex flex-wrap mt-4">
    <MudSwitch @bind-Value="_sortNameByLength" Color="Color.Primary">Sort Name Column By Length</MudSwitch>

<MudExpansionPanels Style="flex:1">
    <MudExpansionPanel Text="Show Events">
        @foreach (var message in _events)
            <MudText Typo="@Typo.body2">@message</MudText>
        @if(_events.Count > 0) 
            <div class="d-flex">
                <MudButton Class="mt-3" ButtonType="ButtonType.Button" Variant="Variant.Filled" OnClick="@(() => _events.Clear())">Clear</MudButton>
@code {
    private IEnumerable<Element> Elements = new List<Element>();
    private string _searchString;
    private bool _sortNameByLength;
    private List<string> _events = new();
    // custom sort by name length
    private Func<Element, object> _sortBy => x =>
        if (_sortNameByLength)
            return x.Name.Length;
            return x.Name;
    // quick filter - filter globally across multiple columns with the same input
    private Func<Element, bool> _quickFilter => x =>
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_searchString))
            return true;

        if (x.Sign.Contains(_searchString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            return true;

        if (x.Name.Contains(_searchString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            return true;

        if ($"{x.Number} {x.Position} {x.Molar}".Contains(_searchString))
            return true;

        return false;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        Elements = await httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<List<Element>>("webapi/periodictable");

    // events
    void RowClicked(DataGridRowClickEventArgs<Element> args)
        _events.Insert(0, $"Event = RowClick, Index = {args.RowIndex}, Data = {System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(args.Item)}");
    void RowRightClicked(DataGridRowClickEventArgs<Element> args)
        _events.Insert(0, $"Event = RowRightClick, Index = {args.RowIndex}, Data = {System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(args.Item)}");

    void SelectedItemsChanged(HashSet<Element> items)
        _events.Insert(0, $"Event = SelectedItemsChanged, Data = {System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(items)}");

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