Name | Type | Default | Description |
Data | |||
Text |
string |
null | The currently selected string value (two-way bindable) |
Time |
TimeSpan? |
null | The currently selected time (two-way bindable). If null, then nothing was selected. |
Validation | |||
Error |
bool |
False | If true, the label will be displayed in an error state. |
ErrorId |
string |
null | The ErrorId that will be used by aria-describedby if Error true |
ErrorText |
string |
null | The ErrorText that will be displayed if Error true. |
For |
Expression<Func<TimeSpan?>> |
null | Specify an expression which returns the model's field for which validation messages should be displayed. |
Required |
bool |
False | If true, this form input is required to be filled out. |
RequiredError |
string |
"Required" | The error text that will be displayed if the input is not filled out but required. |
Validation |
object |
null | A validation func or a validation attribute. Supported types are: Func<T, bool> ... will output the standard error message "Invalid" if false Func<T, string> ... outputs the result as error message, no error if null Func<T, IEnumerable< string >> ... outputs all the returned error messages, no error if empty Func<object, string, IEnumerable< string >> input Form.Model, Full Path of Member ... outputs all the returned error messages, no error if empty Func<T, Task< bool >> ... will output the standard error message "Invalid" if false Func<T, Task< string >> ... outputs the result as error message, no error if null Func<T, Task<IEnumerable< string >>> ... outputs all the returned error messages, no error if empty Func<object, string, Task<IEnumerable< string >>> input Form.Model, Full Path of Member ... outputs all the returned error messages, no error if empty System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationAttribute instances |
Behavior | |||
Adornment |
Adornment |
Adornment.End | Sets if the icon will be att start or end, set to None to disable. |
AdornmentIcon |
string |
Sets the icon of the input text field | |
AmPm |
bool |
False | If true, sets 12 hour selection clock. |
Clearable |
bool |
False | Show clear button. |
Converter |
Converter<TimeSpan?, string> |
The generic converter of the component. | |
Culture |
CultureInfo |
The culture of the component. | |
Disabled |
bool |
False | If true, the picker will be disabled. |
Editable |
bool |
False | If true, the picker will be editable. |
HelperText |
string |
null | If string has value, HelperText will be applied. |
HelperTextOnFocus |
bool |
False | If true, the helper text will only be visible on focus. |
ImmediateText |
bool |
False | If true and Editable is true, update Text immediately on typing. If false, Text is updated only on Enter or loss of focus. |
Label |
string |
null | If string has value the label text will be displayed in the input, and scaled down at the top if the input has value. |
Mask |
IMask |
null | A mask for structured input of the date (requires Editable to be true). |
PickerVariant |
PickerVariant |
PickerVariant.Inline | Picker container option |
Placeholder |
string |
null | The short hint displayed in the input before the user enters a value. |
ReadOnly |
bool |
False | If true, no date or time can be defined. |
TimeFormat |
string |
String Format for selected time view | |
Appearance | |||
AdornmentAriaLabel |
string |
"Open Time Picker" | Sets the aria-label of the input text field icon |
AdornmentColor |
Color |
Color.Default | The color of the adornment if used. It supports the theme colors. |
AnchorOrigin |
Origin |
Origin.TopLeft | Gets or sets the origin of the popover's anchor. Defaults to Origin.TopLeft |
DisableUnderLine |
bool |
False | If true, the input will not have an underline. |
IconSize |
Size |
Size.Medium | Sets the Icon Size. |
Margin |
Margin |
Margin.None | Will adjust vertical spacing. |
TransformOrigin |
Origin |
Origin.TopLeft | Gets or sets the origin of the popover's transform. Defaults to Origin.TopLeft |
Variant |
Variant |
Variant.Text | Variant of the text input |
Picker behavior | |||
AutoClose |
bool |
False | If AutoClose is set to true and PickerActions are defined, the hour and the minutes can be defined without any action. |
ClosingDelay |
int |
200 | Sets the amount of time in milliseconds to wait before closing the picker. This helps the user see that the time was selected before the popover disappears. |
MinuteSelectionStep |
int |
1 | Sets the number interval for minutes. |
OpenTo |
OpenTo |
OpenTo.Hours | First view to show in the MudDatePicker. |
PickerActions |
RenderFragment<MudPicker<TimeSpan?>> |
null | Define the action buttons here |
TimeEditMode |
TimeEditMode |
TimeEditMode.Normal | Choose the edition mode. By default, you can edit hours and minutes. |
Picker appearance | |||
ActionsClass |
string |
null | CSS class that will be applied to the action buttons container |
Color |
Color |
Color.Primary | The color of the toolbar, selected and active. It supports the theme colors. |
DisableToolbar |
bool |
False | Hide toolbar and show only date/time views. |
Elevation |
int |
8 | The higher the number, the heavier the drop-shadow. 0 for no shadow set to 8 by default in inline mode and 0 in static mode. |
Orientation |
Orientation |
Orientation.Portrait | What orientation to render in when in PickerVariant Static Mode. |
Rounded |
bool |
False | If true, border-radius is set to theme default when in Static Mode. |
Square |
bool |
False | If true, border-radius is set to 0 this is set to true automatically in static mode but can be overridden with Rounded bool. |
ToolBarClass |
string |
null | User class names for picker's ToolBar, separated by space |
Common | |||
Class |
string |
null | User class names, separated by space. |
Style |
string |
null | User styles, applied on top of the component's own classes and styles. |
Tag |
object |
null | Use Tag to attach any user data object to the component for your convenience. |
UserAttributes |
Dictionary<string, object> |
UserAttributes carries all attributes you add to the component that don't match any of its parameters. They will be splatted onto the underlying HTML tag. | |
Name | Type | Description |
OnClick |
EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> | Fired when the text input is clicked. |
PickerClosed |
EventCallback | Fired when the dropdown / dialog closes |
PickerOpened |
EventCallback | Fired when the dropdown / dialog opens |
TextChanged |
EventCallback<string> | Fired when the text changes. |
TimeChanged |
EventCallback<TimeSpan?> | Fired when the date changes. |
Name | Parameters | Return | Description |
ValueTask BlurAsync() |
ValueTask |
Task ClearAsync(bool close) |
bool close |
Task |
Task CloseAsync(bool submit) |
bool submit |
Task |
ValueTask FocusAsync() |
ValueTask |
string GetErrorText() |
string : Error text/message |
Return the validation error text or the conversion error message. | |
Task OpenAsync() |
Task |
Task ResetAsync() |
Task |
Reset the value and the validation. | |
ResetValidation() |
Reset the validation. | ||
ValueTask SelectAsync() |
ValueTask |
ValueTask SelectRangeAsync(int pos1, int pos2) |
int pos1 int pos2 |
ValueTask |
Task ToggleOpenAsync() |
Task |
Task Validate() |
Task |
Cause this component to validate its value. |