Name | Type | Default | Description |
Misc | |||
ApplyDropClassesOnDragStarted |
bool |
False | When false the drop classes are only applied when dragging a column over another column When true the drop classes are applied to all column headers and does not require dragging a column over another column. |
Bordered |
bool |
False | If true, table's cells will have left/right borders. |
Breakpoint |
Breakpoint |
Breakpoint.Xs | At what breakpoint the table should switch to mobile layout. Takes None, Xs, Sm, Md, Lg and Xl the default behavior is breaking on Xs. |
CanCancelEdit |
bool |
True | Define if Cancel button is present or not for inline editing. |
ChildRowContent |
RenderFragment<CellContext<T>> |
null | Row Child content of the component. |
ColGroup |
RenderFragment |
null | Specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formatting. Ex: table colgroup col span="2" style="background-color:red" col style="background-color:yellow" colgroup header body table |
ColumnResizeMode |
ResizeMode |
ResizeMode.None | Defines if columns of the grid can be resized. |
Columns |
RenderFragment |
null | The Columns that make up the data grid. Add Column components to this RenderFragment. |
ColumnsPanelReordering |
bool |
False | If true, the columns in the DataGrid can be reordered via the columns panel. |
Culture |
CultureInfo |
null | The culture used to represent numeric columns and his filtering input fields. Each column can override this DataGrid Culture. |
CurrentPage |
int |
0 | The page index of the currently displayed page (Zero based). Usually called by MudTablePager. Note: requires a MudTablePager in PagerContent. |
Dense |
bool |
False | Set true for rows with a narrow height |
DragDropColumnReordering |
bool |
False | If true, the columns in the DataGrid can be reordered via drag and drop. This is overridable by each column. |
DragIndicatorIcon |
string |
Custom drag indicator icon in the header which shows up on mouse over. | |
DragIndicatorSize |
Size |
Size.Small | Size of the DragIndicatorIcon. |
DropAllowedClass |
string |
"drop-allowed" | Css class that is applied to column headers while dragging to indicate that the dragged column can be dropped on a column. |
DropNotAllowedClass |
string |
"drop-not-allowed" | Css class that is applied to column headers while dragging to indicate that the dragged column can not be dropped on a column. |
EditDialogOptions |
DialogOptions |
null | Fine tune the edit dialog. |
EditMode |
DataGridEditMode? |
null | When the grid is not read only, you can specify what type of editing mode to use. |
EditTrigger |
DataGridEditTrigger? |
DataGridEditTrigger.Manual | Allows you to specify the action that will trigger an edit when the EditMode is Form. |
Elevation |
int |
1 | The higher the number, the heavier the drop-shadow. 0 for no shadow. |
Filterable |
bool |
False | Controls whether data in the DataGrid can be filtered. This is overridable by each column. |
FilterCaseSensitivity |
DataGridFilterCaseSensitivity |
DataGridFilterCaseSensitivity.Default | |
FilterDefinitions |
List<IFilterDefinition<T>> |
The list of FilterDefinitions that have been added to the data grid. FilterDefinitions are managed by the data grid automatically when using the built in filter UI. You can also programmatically manage these definitions through this collection. | |
FilterMode |
DataGridFilterMode |
DataGridFilterMode.Simple | |
FilterTemplate |
RenderFragment<MudDataGrid<T>> |
null | |
FixedFooter |
bool |
False | When true, the footer will be visible is not scrolled to the bottom. Note: set Height to make the table scrollable. |
FixedHeader |
bool |
False | When true, the header will stay in place when the table is scrolled. Note: set Height to make the table scrollable. |
FooterClass |
string |
null | Add a class to the tfoot tag |
Groupable |
bool |
False | Determines whether grouping of columns is allowed in the data grid. |
GroupClass |
string |
null | CSS class for the groups. |
GroupClassFunc |
Func<GroupDefinition<T>, string> |
null | Returns the class that will get joined with GroupClass. |
GroupExpanded |
bool |
False | If set, a grouped column will be expanded by default. |
GroupStyle |
string |
null | CSS styles for the groups. |
GroupStyleFunc |
Func<GroupDefinition<T>, string> |
null | Returns the class that will get joined with GroupStyle. |
Header |
RenderFragment |
null | Allows adding a custom header beyond that specified in the Column component. Add HeaderCell components to add a custom header. |
HeaderClass |
string |
null | Add a class to the thead tag |
Height |
string |
null | Setting a height will allow to scroll the table. If not set, it will try to grow in height. You can set this to any CSS value that the attribute 'height' accepts, i.e. 500px. |
Hideable |
bool |
False | Controls whether columns in the DataGrid can be hidden. This is overridable by each column. |
HorizontalScrollbar |
bool |
False | Defines if the table has a horizontal scrollbar. |
Hover |
bool |
False | Set true to see rows hover on mouse-over. |
Items |
IEnumerable<T> |
null | The data to display in the table. MudTable will render one row per item |
ItemSize |
float |
50 | Gets the size of each item in pixels. Defaults to 50px. |
Loading |
bool |
False | Show a loading animation, if true. |
LoadingContent |
RenderFragment |
null | Defines the table body content the table has no rows and is loading |
LoadingProgressColor |
Color |
Color.Info | The color of the loading progress if used. It supports the theme colors. |
MultiSelection |
bool |
False | Set to true to enable selection of multiple rows. |
NoRecordsContent |
RenderFragment |
null | Defines the table body content when there are no matching records found |
Outlined |
bool |
False | If true, table will be outlined. |
OverscanCount |
int |
3 | Gets or sets a value that determines how many additional items will be rendered before and after the visible region. This help to reduce the frequency of rendering during scrolling. However, higher values mean that more elements will be present in the page. Only used for virtualization. |
PagerContent |
RenderFragment |
null | Add MudTablePager here to enable breaking the rows in to multiple pages. |
QuickFilter |
Func<T, bool> |
null | A function that returns whether or not an item should be displayed in the table. You can use this to implement your own search function. |
ReadOnly |
bool |
True | Locks Inline Edit mode, if true. |
RowClass |
string |
null | CSS class for the table rows. Note, many CSS settings are overridden by MudTd though |
RowClassFunc |
Func<T, int, string> |
null | Returns the class that will get joined with RowClass. Takes the current item and row index. |
RowsPerPage |
int |
10 | If the table has more items than this number, it will break the rows into pages of said size. Note: requires a MudTablePager in PagerContent. |
RowStyle |
string |
null | CSS styles for the table rows. Note, many CSS settings are overridden by MudTd though |
RowStyleFunc |
Func<T, int, string> |
null | Returns the class that will get joined with RowClass. Takes the current item and row index. |
SelectedItem |
T |
null | Returns the item which was last clicked on in single selection mode (that is, if MultiSelection is false) |
SelectedItems |
HashSet<T> |
If MultiSelection is true, this returns the currently selected items. You can bind this property and the initial content of the HashSet you bind it to will cause these rows to be selected initially. | |
SelectOnRowClick |
bool |
True | When true, row-click also toggles the checkbox state |
ServerData |
Func<GridState<T>, Task<GridData<T>>> |
null | Supply an async function which (re)loads filtered, paginated and sorted data from server. Table will await this func and update based on the returned TableData. Used only with ServerData |
ShowColumnOptions |
bool |
True | Controls whether to hide or show the column options. This is overridable by each column. |
ShowFilterIcons |
bool |
True | |
ShowMenuIcon |
bool |
False | When true, displays the built-in menu icon in the header of the data grid. |
SortDefinitions |
Dictionary<string, SortDefinition<T>> |
The list of SortDefinitions that have been added to the data grid. SortDefinitions are managed by the data grid automatically when using the built in filter UI. You can also programmatically manage these definitions through this collection. | |
SortMode |
SortMode |
SortMode.Multiple | Controls whether data in the DataGrid can be sorted. This is overridable by each column. |
Square |
bool |
False | Set true to disable rounded corners |
Striped |
bool |
False | If true, striped table rows will be used. |
ToolBarContent |
RenderFragment |
null | Optional. Add any kind of toolbar to this render fragment. |
Virtualize |
bool |
False | If true, the results are displayed in a Virtualize component, allowing a boost in rendering speed. |
Common | |||
Class |
string |
null | User class names, separated by space. |
Style |
string |
null | User styles, applied on top of the component's own classes and styles. |
Tag |
object |
null | Use Tag to attach any user data object to the component for your convenience. |
UserAttributes |
Dictionary<string, object> |
UserAttributes carries all attributes you add to the component that don't match any of its parameters. They will be splatted onto the underlying HTML tag. | |
Name | Type | Description |
CanceledEditingItem |
EventCallback<T> | Callback is called when the process of editing an item has been canceled. Returns the item which was previously in edit mode. |
CommittedItemChanges |
EventCallback<T> | Callback is called when the changes to an item are committed. Returns the item whose changes were committed. |
FormFieldChanged |
EventCallback<FormFieldChangedEventArgs> | Callback is called when a field changes in the dialog MudForm. Only works in EditMode.Form |
RowClick |
EventCallback<DataGridRowClickEventArgs<T>> | Callback is called whenever a row is clicked. |
RowContextMenuClick |
EventCallback<DataGridRowClickEventArgs<T>> | Callback is called whenever a row is right clicked. |
RowsPerPageChanged |
EventCallback<int> | Rows Per Page two-way bindable parameter |
SelectedItemChanged |
EventCallback<T> | Callback is called when a row has been clicked and returns the selected item. |
SelectedItemsChanged |
EventCallback<HashSet<T>> | Callback is called whenever items are selected or deselected in multi selection mode. |
StartedEditingItem |
EventCallback<T> | Callback is called when an item has begun to be edited. Returns the item being edited. |
Name | Parameters | Return | Description |
AddFilter() |
Called by the DataGrid when the "Add Filter" button is pressed. | ||
Task AddFilterAsync(IFilterDefinition<T> definition) |
IFilterDefinition<T> definition |
Task |
Task CancelEditingItemAsync() |
Task |
Cancel editing an item. | |
Task ClearFiltersAsync() |
Task |
CollapseAllGroups() |
ExpandAllGroups() |
Task ExtendSortAsync(string field, SortDirection direction, Func<T,object> sortFunc, IComparer<object> comparer) |
string field SortDirection direction Func<T, object> sortFunc IComparer<object> comparer |
Task |
int GetFilteredItemsCount() |
int |
Gets the total count of filtered items in the data grid. | |
GroupItems(bool noStateChange) |
bool noStateChange |
HideColumnsPanel() |
Hides the columns panel | ||
NavigateTo(Page page) |
Page page |
Navigates to a specific page when the data grid has an attached data pager. | |
OpenFilters() |
Opens the filter panel. | ||
Task ReloadServerData() |
Task |
Call this to reload the server-filtered, -sorted and -paginated items | |
Task RemoveSortAsync(string field) |
string field |
Task |
SetDefaultFilterDefinition<TFilterDefinition>() |
Specifies the default <see cref="T:MudBlazor.IFilterDefinition`1" /> to be used by <see cref="M:MudBlazor.MudDataGrid`1.AddFilter" /> and <see cref="P:MudBlazor.Column`1.FilterContext" />. | ||
SetDefaultFilterDefinition(Func<IFilterDefinition<T>> factory) |
Func<IFilterDefinition<T>> factory : The factory function to create the default filter definition. |
Specifies the default <see cref="T:MudBlazor.IFilterDefinition`1" /> to be used by <see cref="M:MudBlazor.MudDataGrid`1.AddFilter" /> and <see cref="P:MudBlazor.Column`1.FilterContext" />. | |
Task SetEditingItemAsync(T item) |
T item |
Task |
Set an item to be edited. |
Task SetRowsPerPageAsync(int size) |
int size : The page size. |
Task |
Sets the rows displayed per page when the data grid has an attached data pager. |
Task SetRowsPerPageAsync(int size, bool resetPage) |
int size : The page size. bool resetPage : If <see langword="true" />, resets <see cref="P:MudBlazor.MudDataGrid`1.CurrentPage" /> to 0. |
Task |
Sets the rows displayed per page when the data grid has an attached data pager. |
Task SetSelectedItemAsync(T item) |
T item |
Task |
Set the currently selected item in the data grid. |
Task SetSortAsync(string field, SortDirection direction, Func<T,object> sortFunc, IComparer<object> comparer) |
string field : The field. SortDirection direction : The direction. Func<T, object> sortFunc : The sort function. IComparer<object> comparer : The comparer to allow custom compare |
Task |
Sets the sort on the data grid. |
ShowColumnsPanel() |
Shows a columns panel that lets you show/hide, filter, group, sort and re-arrange columns. | ||
ToggleFiltersMenu() |
Opens or closes the filter panel. |