Name | Type | Default | Description |
Behavior | |||
AllClosable |
bool |
False | Will make all chips closable. |
ChildContent |
RenderFragment |
null | Child content of component. |
Comparer |
IEqualityComparer<T> |
null | The Comparer to use for comparing selected values internally. |
Disabled |
bool |
False | If true, all chips will be disabled. Although chips have their own setting they can NOT override this. |
Mandatory |
bool |
False | Will not allow to deselect the selected chip in single selection mode. |
MultiSelection |
bool |
False | Allows selecting more than one chip. |
ReadOnly |
bool |
False | Will make all chips read only. |
SelectedValue |
T |
null | The currently selected value. |
SelectedValues |
IReadOnlyCollection<T> |
null | The currently selected values if MultiSelection="true". |
Appearance | |||
CheckedIcon |
string |
The default checked icon for all chips. Chips may override this. | |
CheckMark |
bool |
False | Will show a check-mark for the selected components. |
CloseIcon |
string |
Rhe default close icon for all chips, only shown if OnClose is set. Chips may override this. | |
Color |
Color |
Color.Default | The default chip color if they don't set their own. Chips may override this. |
IconColor |
Color |
Color.Inherit | The default icon color for all chips. Chips may override this. |
Label |
bool |
False | Removes circle edges and applies theme default. This setting is for all chips, unless they override it. |
Ripple |
bool |
True | Ripple default setting for all chips. If true, a ripple effect is applied to clickable chips. Chips may override this. |
SelectedColor |
Color |
Color.Inherit | The default selected chip color. Color.Inherit for default value. Chips may override this. |
Size |
Size |
Size.Medium | The default chip size. Chips may override this. |
Variant |
Variant |
Variant.Filled | The default chip variant if they don't set their own. Chips may override this. |
Common | |||
Class |
string |
null | User class names, separated by space. |
Style |
string |
null | User styles, applied on top of the component's own classes and styles. |
Tag |
object |
null | Use Tag to attach any user data object to the component for your convenience. |
UserAttributes |
Dictionary<string, object> |
UserAttributes carries all attributes you add to the component that don't match any of its parameters. They will be splatted onto the underlying HTML tag. | |
Name | Type | Description |
OnClose |
EventCallback<MudChip<T>> | Called when a Chip was deleted (by click on the close icon) |
SelectedValueChanged |
EventCallback<T> | Called whenever SelectedValue changes |
SelectedValuesChanged |
EventCallback<IReadOnlyCollection<T>> | Called whenever SelectedValues changes |
Name | Parameters | Return | Description |
Dispose() |